Use "needs money|need money" in a sentence

1. Hey, Al needs some money.....

2. Love needs the support money brings.

3. I need my goddamn money.

4. We need to save money

5. You absolutely do need the money.

6. – Then why do I need money?

7. “We all need money to survive.

8. He needs money to electrify his surface lines.

9. He was in urgent need of money.

10. The department needs more money to fulfil its objectives.

11. More government money needs to go into the project.

12. I'm just an ex-soldier, needs some money fast.

13. Your ability to acquire the money you need , and account for the money you receive

14. They need money to pay for new buildings.

15. Now, don't get me wrong, we need money.

16. And I need that money for living expenses.

17. We'll need to raise more money next year.

18. We are collecting money for families in need.

19. Where does the money to supply these needs come from?

20. They need financing and money usually leaves a trail.

21. 11 We'll need to raise more money next year.

22. Companies need capital, or invested money, to operate successfully.

23. Burying paper money needs to be done carefully to prevent damage

24. We need more money for roads, hospitals and schools.

25. We need to think of ways to make money.

26. And for that we need the money, you've traveled.

27. I Grew up, and he need to have money.

28. Let me spell out why we need more money.

29. More government money needs to go into rebuilding the inner cities.

30. She needs some money to tide over the period of unemployment.

31. His motive for working so hard is that he needs money.

32. The government yesterday Acknowledged the need for more money

33. You can bank on me when you need money.

34. They need to inject more money into sports facilities.

35. Programmable money democratizes money.

36. Meeting these needs is not, of course, just a question of money.

37. But he does not need anyone’s money or material possessions.

38. You're also tired of humping scum any time your family needs money.

39. 19 To generate new money the sport needs to be more entertaining.

40. Do gastroscope Afflictive? How many money to need probably? 3

41. I need to ask for advance money. 50% of it

42. Because all governments across the world need money to survive.

43. 2 Do gastroscope afflictive? How many money to need probably?

44. Shawn is discussing a want or need to borrow money.

45. Arbitrage: making money on money.

46. I only want to save the money for someone who really needs help.

47. And I don't have the money or the parts I need.

48. There is no need for them to emigrate to make money.

49. There are two forms of money : commodity money and fiat money.

50. You need to start putting money away for your old age.

51. As Jehovah’s worshippers, we need to guard against misuse of money.

52. For insurance, the farmer needs to trust the insurance company, and needs to advance the insurance company money.

53. Money, qua money, cannot provide happiness.

54. Money was not wasted, and those assisted were really in need.

55. You need money for sneakers or whatever, give me a shout.

56. An artist's need for money imposes the tyranny of popular taste.

57. Paper money began as credit money.

58. Because I need to know if he lends money interest-free.

59. The good boxers have to turn pro because they need money.

60. Bigmouths meaning on a financial level Having complex relationships with money often alternating between a need for enrichment and rejection of money

61. Bacquet meaning on a financial level Having complex relationships with money often alternating between a need for enrichment and rejection of money

62. Why money is not money laugher won.

63. 29 You'll need enough money for food, transport, and other miscellaneous costs.

64. Paper money is bigger than metal money!

65. Now the money they earn from that job amply cares for their daily needs.

66. To start a business, one needs to Amass a huge sum of ready money

67. A successful trader needs to get into the habit of being careful with money.

68. A little money can be a useful buffer in time of need.

69. Don't fritter away your money on things you do not really need.

70. They have a small child so for obvious reasons they need money.

71. There are ways and means of raising the money that we need.

72. 17 You need to start putting money away for your old age.

73. The railways have been deprived of the money they need for modernization.

74. In a crisis, it would need a huge injection of public money.

75. The timely arrival of the cheque took away the need to borrow money.

76. Her need to save money outweighs her desire to spend it on fun.

77. Most along China's seaboard. You need free time to watch birds, and money.

78. I need to get back to waiting tables, where the real money is.

79. 16 The railways have been deprived of the money they need for modernization.

80. The need to earn some money put the brakes on my wilder ambitions.